Sunday, 5 September 2010

My baby girl is starting school tomorrow and my heart is aching

It feels terribly wrong to send her to school - to me she is just a bit more than a baby.  She still occasionally wets the bed, likes her 'pienk melkie' at night and still bursts into tears at the drop of a hat.

Who is going to cuddle her when she cries, who will protect her when the teacher ignores her, who will defend her when the kids annoy her.  Who will hover near the jungle gym to catch her just in case she falls and who will have her ashtma pump handy when she can't breathe?

Who will help her put on her socks the right way, who will remind her to wipe her bum and not to eat her peas with her hands?  Who will kiss it better when she gets hurt and cut her apple into pieces the way she likes it?

Not me anymore.... this mummy's heart is broken.  I will miss my little Silke Milke more than words can say.  I wish I could have just one more day.


Mariette. said...

Ai hoe lekker het jy my nou aan die huil...
Ek hoop dit het goed gegaan met die eerste skool dag. Myne le voor ons ou engel seuntjie begin maandag, en hierdie mamma is nog glad nie reg daarvoor nie.
Ek sal sommer begin home school- net om hom nog bietjie langer by my te kan hou.Want soos jy se hulle is nog so klein, en ander mense kan nie na jou kind kyk soos jy na hom/haar kyk nie.

Maar sterkte en ek glo dat dit goed gegaan het.....

(ek volg julle blog nou al vir 'n rukkie en ek lees lekker aan jul vertellings!)

Claudine Nel said...

Ag dankie, dit het baie goed gegaan en die skool is regtig vreeslik oulik en hulle speel meeste van die tyd, so ek voel nou baie beter. Maar dit is nog maar swaar... Sterkte vir jou ook!!