1. I started a 4 month TESOL course to learn how to teach English to speakers of a foreign language. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever done, BUT I MADE IT!!!
2. Werner received 2 job offers for Australia, accepted the best one and guess what, WE'RE LEAVING FOR MELBOURNE IN 12 DAYS TIME!!
3. I though I was going through early menopause as my cycle was really short and I googled it. So when we had a little accident straight after my period I didn't think anything of it, as that time of the month you can't fall pregnant anyway can you? WRONG!! TOMORROW I'M 20 WEEKS PREGNANT!! Oooops.
Which is why I haven't blogged in four months. I was in shock, I was busy trying to do this crazy course while fighting ALL DAY morning sickness, and trying to organise our move to Australia.
Anyway my little Silke is coughing her lungs out so I need to go rub Vicks on her chest and rub her back and pray she gets better and not worse....