Well not really, actually Silke's birthday but that is what she kept on saying the past few weeks! As if someone is going to take her birthday away from her...
I am truly exhausted as this child has had the longest birthday celebration in history - it started at Pre-school last Wednesday and will hopefully end this Friday the 10th when it is actually - Her Birthday!!
So far she has had celebrations at her Pre-school on Wednesday, St Saviour's Church Toddler Group on Thursday, Caterpillar Cafe Toddler Group on Friday, the BIG Fairy Party on Sunday, Cake to Christopher Robin Nursery today and then cake again (do I have to) on Friday. Lucky girl!
But she is so cute, I can't believe she is three already. She was such a tiny baby when we came and now a talking cheeky three year old! Her favourite saying is: 'Mammie, you love me, you not kwaad for me?' What do I say to that - even after she has decorated the wall with a picture painted with poo. This saying started when I told her to leave Mieke's stuff alone and she said: 'But Mieke Loves Me!' - 100% certain that Mieke loves her even if she messes up her room, breaks her things, etc.
Her party on Sunday was wonderful - Silke had such a good time. The adults had champagne (okay Cava) as well so we also had a good time! She shared her party with her friend Joani and the Fairy that came made such a fuss of both of them - it was wonderful and they were enchanted. The Fairy also brought a parachute and had the two girls sit in the middle while we turned them round and round. She also had bubbles and balls and ribbons and pom poms and then made them tattoo's while they ate. She also encouraged the parents to join in and we had fun doing the hokey cokey. There was six South African families at the party - can you believe...
I made Silke's fairy castle cake and it was amazing (even if I have to say so myself). I even made melktert for the party which I thought did not taste that great but everyone raved about it and it was gobbled up very quickly. Domestic Goddess in the making - just wish I could do as well in the cleaning department!
After the party a few of the kids ran around outside with their balloons as it was a nice day. Silke then fell asleep on the way home but woke up too soon so was a bit tearful when she opened her presents - was still not herself the next morning!!
Thank goodness I spaced my kids birthdays six months apart.